Once I knew I could do the radiation for 5 days, I was thrilled because I didn’t have the time for the 6 week program. The doctor inserted the first catheter and when I went to the radiation oncologist, he informed me my skin was too thin. Now, what was I going to do? He discussed with me additional options and by this time, I was so confused and devastated because I wasn’t sure I was still a candidate for the radiation fast track program.
The radiation oncologist assured me there was another catheter, which I was a great candidate and he wanted to use it on me. I didn’t care as long as it was only 5 days of radiation. Whew…missed the 6 weeks bullet of radiation. All went well with the 5 day program and my team became great supporters. In fact on the last treatment, one of the team members told me he was sorry we had met under such circumstances but he had enjoy getting to know me.
Lesson learned: look for the humor, wear the red clown nose, get plenty of giggles because it makes the treatment and time go faster.